Learn how to save money, and lots of it
Everything you need to know to pay your home loan off faster and save hundreds of thousands of dollars starts here.
Use our famous calculator
Pay it in 5 comes down to thinking about home loans in reverse. Use our Reverse Home Loan Calculator to do just that. It's a regular home loan calculator; just flipped. Fyi, you saw it here first.
Tools to start you on your journey
Resources available here just for you. Online and downloadable... "Ah, you're welcome!" Go to gifts and enter password 1234. Then enter your email to get the Pay it in 5 Suite of Tools.
High quality practical guide
Join the waitlist today to access free tools and resources to help you pay your home loan off faster.
Some people laugh at the idea of paying a home loan off in 5 to 10 years!
Prove them wrong!
And save hundreds of thousands of dollars on your home loan!
You don’t have to be a math guru to work it out. Everything you need starts here.
Receive Step 1 of ‘Pay it in 5’ delivered straight to your inbox when you join – that’s 9 chapters – FREE!
Can't wait to learn more?
To get 5 Top Tips now - watch this video
Here’s 5 top tips to paying your home loan off faster.
We were not high income earners... and we did it.
We are a family of four and we paid our home loan off in 5 years with 2 young children, one average full-time wage, and one off-and-on casual wage.
Here’s how:
Achieve Financial Freedom with Home Loan Coaching
Are you ready to take control of your finances and fast-track your home loan?
Our home loan and money coaching is designed to help you create a strategic 5–10 year plan to pay your home loan off faster while saving thousands of dollars.
Through personalized 1-to-1 coaching or dynamic group sessions, we’ll guide you step-by-step to:
- Maximize your financial potential.
- Develop a tailored strategy that suits your lifestyle and goals.
- Identify smart ways to save on interest and reduce your loan term.
Whether you prefer individualized support or the energy of a group workshop, we’ll empower you with proven techniques and actionable insights to transform your financial future.
Take the first step toward financial freedom—book your coaching session today and unlock your debt-free life!
Did you know...
There are 5 common mistakes First Home Buyers make - here's how to avoid them
First Home Buyers need not fall for these traps.
First Home Buyers Guide to paying your home loan off in 5 years.
Imagine saving hundreds of thousands of dollars on your home loan. Imagine paying it off in 5 to 10 years. Imagine setting yourself up in life and being able to buy your next property sooner. Think it’s not possible?
We paid our home loan off in 5 years. And we did it with two young children, one average full-time wage and one off-and-on casual wage.
You don’t have to be good at math to pay your home loan off in five years.
In this step-by-step book you will learn the five steps to paying your home loan off faster. You will learn from our mistakes and successes to be able to get there yourself. You will learn everything from starting with the end in mind, to thinking in reverse about home loans, to learning the 50% rule and even to asking your lender some simple but effective questions when it comes to borrowing. This book will show you how.
We paid our home loan off faster. You can too.
Here’s what’s in store for you…
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Educators from best world's universities, top business coaches & advisors.
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